Just wanted to jot down some of Emma's thoughts and quotes and "accomplishments(???)" from the past few days...
On a light note, Emma sure does make me laugh sometimes! Its amazing to me to watch how that little girl processes information, blends it with what she already knows, and comes to her own conclusions. A couple of days ago we sitting down to watch a movie. I can't remember now what it was, but whatever it was, it was distributed by Universal Home Video. So the opening credits are starting and there is a close up shot of earth, rotating around on it's axis as the camera zooms out. Emma asked (like she does with EVERYTHING), "Mommy, whats that?" I told her it was the world. She said, "The world?" I told her, "Yes, thats the world. Its where we live." She thought for a long minute then said, "yeah... its small. Where's the boats? We ride the boats on the world." It took me a minute to catch up with her when I realized that she was talking about the Small World ride at Disneyland, which she calls "the boats." I guess she knew the actual name for the ride all along, but just preferred to call it "boats." So now that she's seen a picture of the world getting smaller, there must be boats on it! So smart, my girl!
On a more serious note, Emma gave me quite a scare yesterday. We came home early yesterday afternoon because we have both been fighting colds for the past few days and needed some extra rest and down time. So I put on an Elmo DVD and we snuggled for a bit. After a few minutes, Emma got up and was playing with toys on my bedroom floor. Apparently I was more tired than I thought because I dozed off for about 10 minutes. When I woke up, I noticed that she had some white powder on her face and asked her what it was. She said (proudly, I might add), "I took cold medicine Mommy!" I looked around and saw the now empty bottle of children's cold tablets sitting on the floor. She had climbed up to my dresser, got the bottle, opened it, and ate the entire bottle. Normally, these pills are kept with the rest of the meds, out of reach. But I had been carrying them with us a couple days ago and had absentmindedly left them on my dresser when I emptied my pockets in the evening. There were probably about 40 or 50 pills in there! So I immediately called poison control (you better believe I was glad I memorized that phone number years ago when I used to babysit!) and told them what had happened. Luckily, the only meds I generally give Emma are all natural, homeopathic blends of vitamins and minerals. They told me she would be fine and that there was nothing to worry about. In fact, they said that there is such a small amount of active ingredient in this particular tablet, that they NEVER worry about accidental overdoses... which leads me to question why I'm actually buying it if it doesn't have much in it! So, luckily, Emma was okay. We had a serious talk about only taking medicine if Mommy or Grandma or Auntie Karen gives it to her and Emma actually looked like she understood. She was very serious and told me she was sorry and won't take medicine again. Here's a bit of something to think about though.... today was the first morning Emma woke up and wasn't snotty or coughing... Maybe she took enough of the active ingredient in her overdose to actually have an effect???? Hmmm...