Friday, April 27, 2012
Week of the Young Child
In celebration of the annual "Week of the Young Child," Emma's school has had some extra fun activities for the kids this week. One day they had a "preschool prom" where the kids got to dance in disco lights. Another day was the tricycle safety event. Our 2 favorite days though were "backwards day" and "crazy hair day." On backwards day, Emma wore her pants inside out, her tee shirt backwards, and I braided her hair into upside down french braid ponytails. But I think "Crazy hair day" was the best. Emma rocked a purple faux hawk that day. Between the hawk, the purple, and the missing tooth, my kid totally looked like someone I would have been friends with in high school! I love my little punk!! The funniest part? Emma and her "boyfriend" Mason tied for winner of Crazy Hair Day. Talk about a punk rock match made in heaven. :) <3
Monday, April 23, 2012
Time for the Tooth Fairy!
Emma lost her first tooth today! It has been wiggly for a while now and it finally came out. I actually thought she was a little young for this right of passage, but I did some research and I guess "normal" spans from about 4 - 8 years old. I guess we are just a little advanced around here. :)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tea Parties & True Friendship....
Emma had a tea party at school this week. Everyone was supposed to dress up fancily, or as a princess. She chose to wear her Alice in Wonderland dress. What a perfect choice! Then they had tea & cookies in class and practiced their table manners. It was so cute... The next day, when I went to pick Emma up from school, this is how I found her & Mason eating snack together. Could they be any sweeter?!? I love these kids!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
TJ's 5th Birthday Party!
This was another fun, and busy weekend for us. On Saturday we went to a birthday party for Emma's little friend London at the skating rink. Emma did so well on her skates and was out there tearing it up! After the party, she went over to her BFF Hayden's house for a slumber party while I went out with Karen, Mom, & Aunt Ann to the theater to see a play called "Tuesdays with Morrie." They did a great job translating the book to stage and we all really enjoyed it.
The next day was TJ's 5th birthday party. We had it at Jumpin' Jacks and everyone had a great time! Even the adults were climbing and sliding and bouncing the afternoon away. It was a great day and we had a blast! Happy 5th birthday TJ!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter & My Birthday!

We celebrated Easter over at Tim & Jen's this year. It was nice to get together with all the family. Uncle John was able to make it back from Arizona in time to join us and Lenay came down the hill too, so we had a nice big group. The ham was delicious (good job Scott!) and the kids all had fun doing their Easter egg hunts. It has been a busy season around here and, with everyone's schedules, we hadn't gotten around to dying eggs yet, so we actually did them ON Easter this year instead of in advance. The kids did great with that - the older ones still enjoyed it and the younger ones (read: EMMA) didn't even dye themselves rainbow colors this year! It just so happened that Easter fell on my birthday this year too, so we had a tasty cake for dessert. Emma was very excited to help me blow out my candles. :) All in all, it was a great day. Until I started coming down with a chest cold that evening. :( I spent most of the night miserable and ended up calling off work today....
Easter Morning!
Eagles Easter Party

On Saturday afternoon Emma & I picked up Katie & Bubs and went to the Eagle's Easter Party. We also invited Sophia and Erin to come with us this year too. It was a lot smaller than in the past, but that was actually really nice since it kept things more low key. There was not a lot of pushing and shoving and all the kids were actually able to see the Easter Bunny and get plenty of eggs during the hunt. It was was a nice afternoon and the girls seemed to have a good time playing together.
TJ turns 5!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Recent "Emma-isms"
I realized that my kid has been spouting off with some pretty funny stuff lately and that I have only been documenting them on facebook, rather than somewhere more permanent. So I went back and found some winners from the past few months....
01/11/12 - just overheard a conversation between Emma (4yo) and her cousin Mikayla (12)...
E: "can I have some of what you are having?"
M: "sure, if it's okay with your mom."
E: "it's always okay with my mom... As long as I don't ask."
Lol. This logic skills this kid has in preschool makes me very worried about raising her as a teenager!
E: "can I have some of what you are having?"
M: "sure, if it's okay with your mom."
E: "it's always okay with my mom... As long as I don't ask."
Lol. This logic skills this kid has in preschool makes me very worried about raising her as a teenager!
01/23/12 - "Toddlers & Tiaras" just came on and Emma said, "Yay! The little brats show! Can we watch them their their fits again?" Lol. If my 4 year old can recognize that these kids are out of control, then why can't their parents???
01/31/12 - Whilst in downtown San Bernardino today with Emma...
E: Ewwww! It stinks!
Me: Yes...
E: What is that smell?! (said as we passed some "questionable" individuals)
Me: I dont know Emma. it's just a smell.
E: Well... Maybe a little bunny rabbit hopped over here into this area... And FARTED.
Me: Yes Emma. I'm sure thats EXACTLY what the smell is! Lol
E: Ewwww! It stinks!
Me: Yes...
E: What is that smell?! (said as we passed some "questionable" individuals)
Me: I dont know Emma. it's just a smell.
E: Well... Maybe a little bunny rabbit hopped over here into this area... And FARTED.
Me: Yes Emma. I'm sure thats EXACTLY what the smell is! Lol
01/31/12 - So Emma asked me (AGAIN) today to tell her HOW a baby gets out of the Mommy's tummy. I figured if she it's asking again, I better answer. So first we had a conversation about baby names for body parts vs. real names... "piggies vs. toes" for example, and so on. I finished up with, "So, when the Mommy's body is ready and the baby is big enough, it comes out through her vagina."
... Dead freaking silence from the back seat...
E: are you kidding me?? (in a somewhat quiet tone of awe)
Me:, no, I'm serious. A grown up lady's body is made for that to work.
... More silence....
E: Ewwwww! OH... MY...GOSH...MOM!!! That's SOOO disgusting!!! ..... (little giggle).... I'm TOTALLY going to tell TJ about this stuff when we get home!!
... Dead freaking silence from the back seat...
E: are you kidding me?? (in a somewhat quiet tone of awe)
Me:, no, I'm serious. A grown up lady's body is made for that to work.
... More silence....
E: Ewwwww! OH... MY...GOSH...MOM!!! That's SOOO disgusting!!! ..... (little giggle).... I'm TOTALLY going to tell TJ about this stuff when we get home!!
02/13/12 - ME: We are going to the grocery store today, Emma. Any suggestions for dinner ideas?
E: What are "suggestions?"
ME: Ideas... things you like to eat that we could cook this week.
E: Ohhh.... Well, I like.... Big butts and I cannot lie! (with lots of giggles and booty shaking)
*sigh* Really? Thank you, Sharktale movie!!!
E: What are "suggestions?"
ME: Ideas... things you like to eat that we could cook this week.
E: Ohhh.... Well, I like.... Big butts and I cannot lie! (with lots of giggles and booty shaking)
*sigh* Really? Thank you, Sharktale movie!!!
03/02/12 - Emma (running excitedly into room): "Mommy! Mommy! They said that Barbie will be coming to a new DVD in 2006!!!"
Me: "Ummm... Emma? You're watching an old DVD. We are already in 2012."
Emma: *sigh* "I KNOW that Mom! They are talking about the NEXT 2006!!"
Me: "Ummm... Emma? You're watching an old DVD. We are already in 2012."
Emma: *sigh* "I KNOW that Mom! They are talking about the NEXT 2006!!"
03/11/12 - Discussing "Horton, hears a Who" with Emma...
Me: "A person's a person no matter how small."
E: just like I'm a person, right Mom?"
Me: "Absolutely"
E: "Even though I'm small, huh?"
Me: "Yep. And it doesn't matter how small you are. You are still just as important as anyone else, even if they are big."
E: "Yeah... And plus I'm cute too, so that's good!"
Me: "A person's a person no matter how small."
E: just like I'm a person, right Mom?"
Me: "Absolutely"
E: "Even though I'm small, huh?"
Me: "Yep. And it doesn't matter how small you are. You are still just as important as anyone else, even if they are big."
E: "Yeah... And plus I'm cute too, so that's good!"
03/16/12 - I woke Emma up this morning and she looked at me with this pathetic little face & asked, "Mommy, can you take me to the doctor today?" I'm thinking, "crap. Of COURSE you are feeling sick now, as we are about to go off on spring break!" :-\ But I said, "okay, Emma... what's wrong?" She smirked & exclaimed "I need to ask the doctor for a new butt because this one has a crack in it! Ahahaha!" And ran down the hall giggling. *sigh* Too early for preschool pretty humor...
03/26/12 - Emma just sighed and told me "I need a big drink but my mouth is just short! That's why I keep being thirsty!"
04/05/12, #1 - was listening to Lady Gaga this morning with Emma on the way to school ...
E: Mom, what is a "paper gangsta?"
Me: Someone who is fake. They think they are cool, but they aren't... The crumple up like a piece off paper when things are stressful.
E: I think I'm cool... *long pause*... What if I'm NOT really cool though, Mom?! What if...
Me: *sigh*... Emma, calm down. You aren't a paper gangsta.
E: oh good. Cuz it's not good to be a paper gangsta. No one WANTS to be a paper gangsta with flavor but no follow through.
E: Mom, what is a "paper gangsta?"
Me: Someone who is fake. They think they are cool, but they aren't... The crumple up like a piece off paper when things are stressful.
E: I think I'm cool... *long pause*... What if I'm NOT really cool though, Mom?! What if...
Me: *sigh*... Emma, calm down. You aren't a paper gangsta.
E: oh good. Cuz it's not good to be a paper gangsta. No one WANTS to be a paper gangsta with flavor but no follow through.
04/05/12, #2 - My kid is on a role today...
I was putting her to bed and, as she was telling me a (seemingly endless) story, I finished her sentence for her. She looked at me, smiled, wagged her little finger back & forth between us, and said, "yep. That's because you and me, we got a psychic connection Mommy!" Lol. Where does she get this stuff?!?
I was putting her to bed and, as she was telling me a (seemingly endless) story, I finished her sentence for her. She looked at me, smiled, wagged her little finger back & forth between us, and said, "yep. That's because you and me, we got a psychic connection Mommy!" Lol. Where does she get this stuff?!?
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