Emma has discovered a new "playmate" recently... her shadow!!! We were walking into her daycare center a couple of weeks ago and and, after months of cool/ cloudy mornings, the sun was finally shining brightly. Well, she got a glimpse of her shadow on the wall and it gave her quite a start. I explained that it was her, and she now insists on running up to her shadow every morning calling "Emmy Emmy." Then she runs to my shadow, hitting the wall and saying "Mommy." Its so funny, but I now have to budget an extra 10 minutes in the morning routine to play with our shadows as we go in. She waves at it, points at it, and tries to hug her shadow! Also, as its getting brighter in the morning, she has been asking for "eyes" and trying to grab my sunglasses. So now she wears sunglasses into daycare each morning and, for the past few days she has insisted on having her cell phone with her too. Ah... the joys of raising a California baby!So my 19 month (in 2 days) old baby now enters "school" every morning wearing shades and holding a cell up to her ear calling out "heh-woah." Her teachers have given her a new nickname... "Hollywood!"
How funny! I'm glad you started writing this stuff down. You will get a great laugh someday when you read this story!