Emma got a brand new big-girl bed today. It took me a bit longer than anticipated to set it up since I had to keep stopping to keep Emma from killing herself with a screwdriver and to go find my baggie full of nuts and bolts that she hid from me. But once it was finally set up, Emma loved it! She has been playing on it, sitting on it, lying down on it, and jumping on it. I have a feeling that whether she actually agrees to sleep in it tonight will be an entirely different matter though! Baby steps, baby steps...
Here's a quick clip of Emma playing on her new bed. Again, its uploaded fromOneTrueMedia.com since Blogger's uploader still apparently hates me!

My Montage 7/19/09
Here's a quick clip of Emma playing on her new bed. Again, its uploaded fromOneTrueMedia.com since Blogger's uploader still apparently hates me!
My Montage 7/19/09
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