Mommy & Emma as we got to the pumpkin patch.
"Fishing" for prizes...
Emma went home sick from daycare on Friday because she was having a lot of breathing problems. Friday night was pretty rough, so we skipped a morning playdate and a birthday party Saturday. After she woke up from her nap Saturday afternoon, she seemed to be feeling quite a bit better and kept asking to go "bye-bye." So we decided to take a quick trip out to the pumpkin patch with Auntie Karen, Uncle Todd, Mikayla, & TJ. This might not have been the best idea as Emma & I both got the sniffles and runny eyes from all the dust and hay and dander, but we still had a good time. Emma really seemed to enjoy herself and loved picking out her own little pumpkin to bring home with us.
It's really time for a new camera! LOL! Maybe Santa will be nice this year :)