We took a mini vacation this week with Karen, Todd, their kids and Grandma - to Disneyland of course! We got a hotel for Thursday and Friday night which was a great treat since I didn't have to drive home while exhausted! Emma had a great time going on all the rides with her cousins. I came down with a headcold Friday, which made the rest of the evening a bit miserable but even sickness is more tolerable at the happiest place on earth. We even got a chance to swim at the hotel for a bit before packing up to come home Saturday. Emma has gotten to loving Disney and actually threw a fit when we pulled into our driveway Saturday afternoon. I think she thought we were going back to the parks because, each time we leave, she yells out "Bye Didney-yand! See you tomorrow Didney-yand!"
So funny! I can't wait to go and see the holiday stuff!