Circus Vargas came to town this past weekend and, being the awesomeness that I am, I scored free tickets to the show! Woot woot! Actually, it had nothing to do with my awesomeness. Rather it was pure chance. I entered a contest and my name was picked. Yay for freebees! So Karen & I took Emma, TJ, and Mikayla to the circus Saturday evening. Unfortunately, both Karen & I had been battling some kind of stomach bug all day, so that kind of took away from the fun of imbibing on circus food, but we still had a good time. Bought the kiddies cotton candy and over priced snow cones in light up plastic glasses. They also got to go down in the ring during the pre-show and practice hula hooping, scarf juggling, and balancing a giant peacock feather on a finger. Emma & TJ seemed to miss part of that last instruction though as they spent more of their time smacking each other and Mikayla with their feathers! Mikayla also decided to use her spending money to get a picture holding a giant burmese python during intermission. She was even generous enough to let the little ones hoard in on her picture. At the last second Emma, who originally said she was not interested, changed her mind and wanted to be in the photo. Then, when she actually got up close and personal with the snake, did NOT want to touch it. So Karen ended up in the photo as well, as a buffer of sorts. The show was pretty good. Better than I expected actually. I had warned the kids ahead of time that this was a smaller show than the Ringling Bros one we saw last year and that there would be no animals in this show. It was just gymnasts, and acrobats, and clowns, and dancers, etc. So they were prepared. Emma would watch the performers, high in the sky atop their hoops and wires, and tell me, "Ooohhh, Mommy. They must have practiced their gymnastics and pony kicks for a LONG time, like me!"
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