These "babies" around here are growing up way too quickly and are not really "babies" anymore. As such, their choice in literature is maturing as well. While we still occasionally read the
Goodnight Moons and
Very Hungry Caterpillars of yesterday, now they are generally opting for longer books with a bit more plot development and a bit less repetitive verse. Beginning reader level books are about where we are currently and recently Karen came across an old favorite from our childhood, Morris Goes To School. That darn Morris the Moose can't count pennies to buy candy or read the signs to know the fish store from the candy store. So he goes off to school, where he is welcomed wholeheartedly by the children despite having to do everything a bit differently, being a moose and all. When it is time for pretend play, one child pretends to be a tree, another pretends to be a moose, and silly old Morris drapes his antlers with outerwear and pretends to be a coat closet. Emma and TJ think this is one of the funniest things ever and, as luck would have it, I recently asked Emma to help me carry a bunch of beach towels after swimming. She was trotting along behind me when I heard her stop and call, "Mom! Look at me!" I turned around to find my silly girl, arms outstretched and laden with towels, announcing, "I'm a coat closet!" She is too funny! I guess that's the sign of good literature... It sticks with you even after you are done reading. :)
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