I got my first experience with jury duty this past week. It was for the Central District Court of California, which meant I had to drive out to Riverside everyday (ugh) but it also meant I got paid $40 instead of $5 and they provided breakfast the first day and beverages everyday! It was cool to actually get selected to serve and get to hear all the evidence. It was a case against a couple of police officers in an "unlawful seizure (aka: arrest) and excessive force" charge. Very, very interesting how much 2 people's account of the same incident can vary so drastically. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it and wish I could sign up somewhere to be called more often! :) The one worry I had was getting Em to and from day care on time, but that worked out fine after the first day. I also thought she might be a bit exhausted from being there so long everyday but she loved the afternoon outside playtime because she got to see her best bud, Baron, who is in another class the rest of the day. In fact, since it has ended, she keeps asking me when I am going to have jury duty again!
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