I had a vacation day on Friday and I decided to spend it visiting the zoo rather than working in one! I bought a Groupon deal a while back with my friends Jen & Erin for the LA Zoo. For pretty much the cost of a one day admission we got a year long pass for all 3 of us, all our kids, some guest passes, carousel tickets, safari shuttle tickets, etc. It was a great deal for the price and I THINK the girls had fun. It was just kind of a weird day though. All 3 little ones were more interested in riding in their strollers than walking and in having unending snacks rather than seeing the animals. We kept getting a lot of "yeah... I saw it already"s from them. So we headed to the playground area in the zoo and THAT they loved! Kind of irritating that we drove an hour to take them to the park but, if that's what makes them happy and ends up being a good day, then so be it. I think it was just because it was pretty warm and humid out, dusty, there were millions of bees flying around, and a lot of sections we would have liked to see (the carousel ride, the reptile house, the children's petting zoo) were all closed for repairs. So tempers were short, for adults and kids. But we worked through all the tumbles and tears, the "me firsts" and "not fairs", the snippy comments and grumblings about everything being uphill (how is that geographically even possible, by the way?!?!) and I think that is a testament to the quality of our friendships. Emma & I are part of a good group. We take each other, faults and all, and still laugh together at the end of the day. On another note, a stop at Carl's Junior for lunch, sodas, and air conditioning did wonders for everyone at the end of the day! We will definitely be back again (gotta make use of these passes!) but we may plan our day a bit more carefully next time and factor in more play and less observation.
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