Last summer I found us a really good deal on a whale watching trip. It was half price for adults and free for the little ones since they were, well, little. But time got away from us, as usual, and all of a sudden the vouchers were about to expire. So we headed out this weekend with our friends to check it out. Mom & Al were supposed to join us as well, but neither of them were feeling well. So it was just us and our friends. The weather has been poor this week but, luckily, the rain stopped while we were out. But the seas were still choppy and, after barely making it out of the bay, the captain of the boat decided that the waters were too rough and he turned us back around. We did see some seals in the harbor, and we all got free vouchers to come back another day, so it wasn't a total waste. We then decided to still make a day of it and rode the ferry over to Balboa Island for lunch. We finished up the afternoon by letting the kids splash in the waves. It was sooo cold, but they all had fun. Then we changed their clothes, bundled them up under blankets in their boosters and headed home just as the rain started up again. Perfect timing.
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