This little gal is Hammie and no, unlike most of the free world, she does NOT live here in this house. Lol. Actually, she is Emma's class pet and was in need of a home. But just for the weekend. So Hammie came to stay with us for a couple days. Emma & TJ love running around after Hammie when she is in her ball and they kept asking to hold her but I was SO concerned about them dropping her and her making a run for it. And a lost rodent is the LAST thing we need around here. So I told the kids that they could hold Hammie, but only if they sat in the bathtub to do so. There's no way this lil hamster can scale the tub walls. Emma was all for it. TJ changed his mind once it was actually an option, which is fine. I would rather he be comfortable with the animals on his own terms. I'm afraid I may have set a precedent here though. I fear that one weekend may not have been enough and I fully expect to hear "Mommy? Hammie needs a home for the weekend again!" soon enough...
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