We had a great day today! We started the morning off with a mini photo shoot - Emma's 1st! Although we didn't win the Valentine's Day photo contest on Facebook, the photographer (Jenny Trent) was generous enough to give out a mini-shoot & 8x10 consolation prize to all the runners up! So we spent an hour or so hanging out around down town Redlands this morning taking pictures near the train tracks, on some stairs, and against some architecturally interesting building. I absolutely cannot wait to see how these pics turn out. They are going to be so good, I can already tell.
Then we met up with Karen & TJ, TJ's friend Robert, and his mom, Jill, at JumpZone. Karen had never been there with us before and she wanted to scope it out as a possibility for TJ's upcoming 4th birthday. This place was crazier than I have ever seen it today. Apparently they often get like this on a school holiday, but holy moly, it was crowded. The kids had a blast bouncing themselves silly. The only issue was when Emma came up to me with a red mark on her arm & told me some kid bit her. I was ready to go all Erin on some kid but, of course, Em couldn't point the kid out. Figures.
Then we headed to Claim Jumper for lunch. Yum yum! Karen took the kids home while I finished the day up with a stop at JC Penney. I was SUPPOSED to be just picking up an internet order I had placed a while back but (surprise, surprise) I ended up picking up a few other items as well. I got the kids outfits for their Easter pictures (Emma's dress is especially gorgeous), a birthday outfit for TJ, and a couple shorts & tees for Emma for summer.
What a fun way to spend a Monday off from work!
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