Another sample from the artist as a young child... Emma brought home the happy face she drew for me at school today. I love how it has a little arm growing out of the side of it's face! Too cute!
In other news... we had an appointment yesterday and Emma was weighed & measured. 40+ inches tall and 42.7 pounds. She is a big girl! In fact, the last time we went to Disneyland, she kept telling TJ that "one day you could ride Soarin ober Cadifornia (Soaring over California) when you is big like me." Little stinker!
Today I had Emma's parent-teacher conference at school. According to her teacher, her strengths include letter recognition, beginning reading, writing skills, counting, numeracy skills, and general cognition. Essentially, the teacher says she "thinks well" - that she is able to grasp complex thoughts and understand advance subjects. Weaknesses are all in the social realm... apparently she needs to work on impulse control, having a short temper with her peers, and being non-communicative when she is upset or irritated. Ummm.... Hello? SHE IS 3!!! And she is my daughter! For goodness sakes, the teacher could have been describing me! Yes, people irritate me. Yes, I like to be left alone when I am in a mood! I think these are more personality traits than they are "weaknesses." That being said, Emma HAS been a bit mouthy lately, so we ARE working on behavior modification at home, but I'll never let that teacher know it! Personally, I think her development is right on track. I think I need to keep her active to keep her from being bored or sitting in front of the TV too much, but we keep busy. Lots of playdate, lots of learning activities, and she started gymnastics class last night and LOVED IT!!! A much bigger hit than Hiphop was! In fact, the instructor came over & complimented Emma on how well she listened and followed instructions. My girl is doing just fine...
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