So Karen was jealous of our impromptu trip on Thursday to the snow. And the Ames kids have been begging to take a trip to the mountains as well. Especially Lucy, who has been texting on a regular basis with messages along the lines of, "So? You and me? Wanna ditch work tomorrow and go to the snow?" Lol. So we decided a family snow day was in order before all the white stuff melted. Karen & I took all 6 of the kids up to Forest Falls on Saturday morning and they had a blast. There were only a few tears - apparently getting hit in the face with a snow ball when you are only 3 years old is kinda traumatic (TJ!). As is a sled ride when you start spinning too much and you were just yelled at for trying to drag your cousin down the hill with you too (Emma!). Other than that though, it was a fun morning. The surprise hit of the day? My waterproof sleeping bag that we decided to sit on and the sand toys I brought to play with. Lucy built a "snow castle" and Emma thought "snow doughnuts" were one of the funniest things she had seen in a long time! So much fun!
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