There were TWO different free Cinderella plays this week. We tried to attend both and, in each case, got there, set up, settled in, and left before seeing much of the show. On Tuesday evening we tried to go to Perris Hill Park with Jenny & her kids and then Karen met us as the show was starting after she got off work. Well, Emma, TJ, and I had been running ragged all day long - preschool visit, shopping at Target, bowling, lunch with friends, swimming at Hayden's, dinner at Jenny's - and something hit TJ and he ended up puking all over our blankets, Jenny's leg, and the person seated in front of us. This was about 30 minutes into the show. So Karen, TJ, Emma, and I all had to leave since I had both car seats in my jeep. So we took one sick kid and one sobbing kid who was very distraught about missing the show home.
Then, on Friday evening, Emma & I met Erin & Sophia at Redlands Bowl for another Cinderella play. Emma was very excited to get another chance to see the show. But, about 30 minutes in (apparently that's our magic number), Emma started complaining about being tired. Then she wanted to go home. Then she wanted to sleep in a bed, not my arms. And, withing 10 minutes or so, she was sobbing loudly about being SOOOO tired. I didn't want to disturb the other guests, so we packed up and left. And she was telling the truth. We were in the car by 8:50 and she was knocked out in bed by 9:15. I guess that's what I get for trying to take her to a night time performance after her first 2 full days at a new preschool when she has spent the past couple months in summer vacation mode. Cinderella was not meant to be for us this year... Maybe we will have better luck next year when they perform The Wizard of Oz...