We had a great day on Tuesday! I took Emma & TJ out to Rancho to meet up with Sophia and Hayden and their mommies at Pump It Up and we used up another of our prepaid vouchers letting the kids bounce themselves silly for a couple hours. Then we headed over to Victoria Gardens for a tasty lunch at Johnny Rockets. Those kids must have built up quite an appetite jumping because Emma and TJ both ate their entire lunch! Then we walked over to Borders book store so the kids could turn in their summer reading logs and get to choose a free book. The worker tried to give us some grief about how the store was closing and they may not be honoring the program anymore and blah blah blah. But we weren't hearing that and our kids got their free books anyway. As Jen said, "If it's free, its for 'we'!" Doesn't quite have the same ring as 'for me' but the sentiment is the same. Lol. TJ choose "Danny the Dinosaur" and Emma got "Amelia Bedelia." Turns out TJ thinks Amelia Bedelia is the funniest thing ever and he loves reading that book. In fact both kids crack up about how she cuts up the bath towels when her to-do list says "change the towels." I love watching their sense of humor develop. We wrapped up the afternoon with a stop at Claire's Boutique where Emma was going to get her ears pierced but then she opted out (again) at the last minute. She's such a goober. I told her that I don't mind getting them pierced but it has to be her choice. So we shall wait a while longer...
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