Emma's preschool transfer request was finally approved this summer and she began at the new site on Thursday when I had to go back to work. We went in on Tuesday morning and met Miss Deborah and saw the classroom so, by Thursday, Emma was very excited and woke up with nary a complaint. I had worried about getting her up so early (6am as compared to sleeping in till8:30 like she has been doing all summer) but she did great! I could tell she was a little nervous when we got there as she held my hand a little tighter and was rubbing away at my pinkie nail. Yes, the much loved pinkie nail. I have no idea what her fixation with my nail is, but it seems to soothe her, so go on with it girlie. Anyway, she was all smiles for pictures and no tears at all as I left. Her little friend, Baron, also attends this school but is in a different class. They group all the kids together though for the 1st and last hours of the day due to staffing issues. His mom texted me and let me know that, when he got there, they exchanged big hugs and settled in to read a story together. Too cute. When I picked Emma up, after nap time she was happy as could be. Miss Deborah said she had a great first day and was very helpful. She also let me know that Emma likes to talk a lot. Duh. Lol. I knew that! I asked Emma about the best and worst parts of her day as we were driving home and she told me this...
" When Miss Deborah picked us up from the yellow room and brought us all back to our class I didn't know the kids and I didn't have anyone to play with so I just stood in the middle of the room. That was the not so good part of my day. And then Miss Deborah came over and holded my hand and took me over to where the dinosaurs are and some kids were and we played together and that made it a good part of the day because I like playing."
She is a smart girl and so sweet! We came home for dinner and then finished up our day with treats from Bakers (yay for "free chocolate shake day"!) and an evening trip to the local playground. It was a good day and Emma says she wants to "go back to school EVERYDAY!" I think that's a good sign...
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