We went to the annual "Breakfast with Santa" event this weekend at the mall. It was crowded, as usual, but fun, as usual. We had a pretty large group with a bunch of our friends and their kids, yet nary a meltdown to be seen. The kids were all excited to see the big guy and Emma & TJ were chosen out of all the hundreds of kids in the mall to be Santa's special helpers for the day. They got to wear special Santa aprons and everyone was asking them questions about why they were chosen. Personally, I think its because the were the cutest, smartest, best kids ever! But there is the slight chance it could have been because the manager (aka "head elf") at the mall is a good friend of mine. :) Whatever. It's who you know! After breakfast - muffin, fruit cup, juice box - the kids got to decorate canvas Christmas stockings and then run through the mall on a scavenger hunt collecting goodies at various stores. We ended the morning with one more stop to see Santa. What a great (and FREE!) morning.
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