Emma had her annual physical/ well-child check up today. She is growing like a weed and, at 43" tall and 47lbs, she is above the 95th percentile in both height and weight. I did express a small concern but the doctor said she seems healthy and proportionate and does not appear overweight. Emma also needed to have 4 immunization shots and a blood draw done today. Not a single tear out of her. She told me, and I quote, "I know it is going to hurt for a minute Mommy. But I'm gonna be tough and it will be over quick." So proud of my tough little girl. We had to leave to drive to the lab for the blood draw though and I was hemming and hawing about our next "appointment" but, when she asked me if it would be another shot, I figured I better be honest with the kid. So I told her yes, but they would be taking her blood out, not putting medicine in. She let out a shaky sigh from her carseat and asked for a tissue. Then she was quiet for a minute or two. When she spoke again, she said, "Okay Mom. And I'll be tough again." I love her her! She just needed a minute to compose her 4-year-old self. Later in the day she told me, "I got shots today but I didn't cry. I started to for a minute when you told me about the blood one in the car. But that was just because I was scared for a minute. But then I was okay and you were with me and it was over fast." I am continuously amazed at the thought process I witness in this kid. She definitely is a trooper...
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