Baron had his birthday party today and it was so much fun! It was out in Rancho at Jumping Jacks and he invited not just Emma, but TJ too, which was very nice of Baron and his Mommy. These kids had a blast jumping themselves silly for 2 hours and gobbling up snacks and birthday cake. And not only was it Baron's birthday, but her other friend from preschool, Mason, was there too. Emma was in 7th heaven. She would have had fun at a place like this with just TJ but to add BOTH of her "BOYFRIENDS" (as she calls them) to the mix? She was happy as could be. Emma, Baron, & Mason have been in daycare together since they were each just a couple months old and she loves these boys so much. I love that she has BFFs of both genders and can hang tough with these little guys. They are so rough and tumble, but she is right in there with them. No whining or sissy stuff, she just keeps up and plays hard and I think that is AWESOME!!!
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