We ventured out again this weekend in search of that elusive marine animal life. This was the very last day the original voucher were good so Mom & Al came with us and Karen, the kids, and I used our return vouchers. This time, we had more luck. We saw one grey whale and lots of dolphins. Plus some pelicans, seals, and sea gulls. We also saw a dude who was paddle/ surfing/ something out in the middle of the ocean! That crazy guy was father away from shore than our boat was! The kids had a great time. Emma kept shouting out, "I see it! I see it!" and "Look Mama! It's Shamu!" She was just tickled pink. Then we headed back to the boardwalk for a ride on the ferris wheel and we checked out the mini displays for the new Explorocean museum that is being built. It looks awesome! We made a whole day of it with a trip to the beach to play in the waves and a nice dinner out. It was a wonderful family day.
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