Grandma gets each of the kids a $25 gift card each Christmas and I took the older girls to Target yesterday to use theirs. I had actually intended to use Emma's card to buy diapers since I figured she didn't know the difference anyway. And then she saw this toy.... and fell in love with it. Emma loves her new Little People amusement park ~ she calls it "Disneyland!" So funny. It has the rocket ride, spinning teacups, a roller coaster, and a ferris wheel. I can see why she thinks its Disneyland. I think I'm going to remove the batteries when she's not looking though because the "music" is ridiculously loud and annoying, especially for a toddler toy.

Emma also got a Pez dispenser in her stocking this year. I loaded it for her and let her have a couple pieces this morning... she thought it was really cool to have the candy pop out of Buzz Lightyear's head! It's so neat to watch how excited she gets over simple things like a 99 cent Pez dispenser.
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