I needed to include just one more photo for 2009... Ever since I can remember, my parents always gave us a coin to hold as we rang in the New Year. Some years they were silver dollars, sometimes it was a quarter or a fifty cent piece. Some years they had to wake me up to hold my coins and some years they called me to make sure I had my coin at midnight. But every year we all held a coin on New Year's Eve as a lucky charm and a wish to prosperity in the upcoming year. As long as you kept your coin all year, you would never go without. Or so the story goes. I've always tried to hold onto my coin and I have had a very blessed life. Coincidence? Probably. But its still a tradition I intend to continue with Emma. Thanks to Karen too for getting the coins ready tonight and helping to keep this tradition alive. This year, Emma was fast asleep and I was hesitant to wake her as I'm tired too. So, at midnight, I held both our coins in one hand and her little hand in my other. A perfect way to ring in the new year. Here's a picture of Emma, fast asleep alongside both our quarters.
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