Sleeping Beauty's Castle gets decorated with icicles and "snow" during the Christmas season.

GIGANTIC blob of cotton candy, bought courtesy of Grandma, while Mommy was away for a minute!

This is as close to the characters as Emma is comfortable getting. I love how the holiday Mickey and Minnie are still decked out in surfer wear at California Adventure!

This was supposed to be Emma's ONE treat of the day! I bought her this lollipop before Grandma got the cotton candy. Emma loved it and, luckily, has only eaten about an inch of it so far. You can see her face is already turning blue here.

Posing for a picture with TJ and Dumbo.

I love this picture of Emma. She was so entranced, just staring into the water in the moat around Sleeping Beauty's castle. She loved watching the water and looking out for all the ducks.

Grandma & Emma in the green Dumbo out front, Lenay & TJ in the orange Dumbo behind them.

Emma & Grandma, intently watching all the Small World displays.

Fast asleep - and holding tight to her Christmas Mickey doll - in the stroller at the end of the day.
How the heck did you get the castle picture to come out so good? Mine always come out horrible. Lots like a great time! The binkie fairy has the same lollipop for Zach when he finally decides to give up the binkie.