Counting down till noon, at which time we shot off little confetti poppers. (Thanks to Jen for this picture I bootlegged from her!)

Helping Emma & TJ set off their poppers! (Thanks for this photo & the next 2 Sarah!)

Oh! Surprised at the poppers!

Pretty girl with pretty streamers in her hair.

Emma LOVES her popcorn!

Group shot of Matthew, TJ, Emma, & Mikayla, post-baths and pre-"party."

Intently watching Goosebumps DVDs and eating snacks.
We had a low key New Year's today. We went to a "Countdown to Noon" playdate at Jen & Hayden's house this morning since neither Emma, nor her little friends will be up at midnight. Truthfully, I most likely won't be awake that late either! :) The kids had fun playing with toys, having lunch, and shooting confetti poppers. Then Emma had a mini-party with TJ, Mikayla, and Matthew this evening. The kids enjoyed some popcorn and licorice while watching a goosebumps DVD. Yes, my kid likes creepy movies. Her current favorite is "Monster House!" She's so funny. She lasted till almost 9:30... which is plenty late for me. That's almost 2 hours later than her normal bedtime. Now if only she'll sleep in two hours late tomorrow morning... Now THAT would be a way to ring in the New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2010!!!
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