I had a credit for Build-A-Bear that had to be used before the end of the year, so we spent yesterday at Ontario Mills. I had an appointment earlier in the morning and had brought Katie & Lucy along with us so they could keep an eye on Emma while I was busy. Once that was completed we headed over to the mall. This was Emma's first trip to BAB and I think she thought it was pretty neat. I had to gently guide her towards the $10 bears and away from the $30 ones but, after that, she had a great time! She was insistent that her new friend have a Belle dress just like she has at home. Funny enough, BAB has little electronic devices that can be inserted into the toys to make noise or say something and Emma chose the one that roars, since it is a bear. Well, that was at the beginning of the process and the clothing selection is at the end. So we ended up with a fancy pants Beauty and the Beast Princess who lets loose with a scary roar when her paw is squeezed! That is one fierce little bear! Lol. At the end you get a birth certificate for your new friend. Guess what Emma named her? Belle Emma! Wonder where she came up with those names!
After BAB, we went and saw the newest Harry Potter movie. Finally! I had been putting off going because, to tell you the truth, I didn't want to take Emma with me. Everyone had told me how dark and scary and long this one was (2.5 + hours). Now Emma likes HP movies on dvd, but that is way less scary than the big screen and you can always pause a dvd. She actually did really well though. She was very into it and watched quietly for the first hour and a half. Then she told me she was tired and fell asleep on my lap for the last hour. I'll call that a success!
We finished up our girl's day out with lunch at Joe's Crab Shack and a trip to play with all the cool things at Bass Pro Shop. Emma found a lunchbox that was almost as big as she was. I found Lucy zipped up into a mummy bag sleeping bag (that was still hanging on the rack!) and all the girls had fun riding the glass elevator & checking out the giant catfish! We had a great day!
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