We went to the Eagle's Christmas Party Saturday afternoon. The kids had a great time, as usual. It was a bit harrier this year as it was raining, so they weren't able to go outside to play but they just entertained each other like all the other little ones... by running laps around the hall. Lol. Kids will always find a way to make things fun. Santa and Frosty were both there and, true to form, TJ took pictures with both while Emma refused. She was quite pleased with her gift however. 18 gaudy bangle bracelets. Whoo-hoo! Love the jewelry! The funniest part of the afternoon had to be Tim's present though. A little backstory: for the past 3 years Tim has gotten a football. Apparently that is the go-to gift for young boys according to the Eagles. Well, last year, he was less than gracious, to say the least. He pitched a fit about how he always got a stupid football and then he got reamed by both his parents, his grandmother, and sisters, and myself. So he knew better than to complain this year. And, as luck would have it, he did NOT get a football this year! He got a basketball! HAHAHAHAHA!
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