We still had the free passes from the Give A Day, Get A Day promotion and they expired next week, so we decided to take a big family day at Disneyland this week! It was Emma & I, Karen & her kids, Tim, Jen, & their kids, Mom, and Al. All 12 of us and we had a great time. Tim & Jen hadn't been here in almost 10 years and they seemed to really enjoy it as well. Mikayla & Bubby both got to go up on stage during the Star Wars Jedi training and earned certificates after battling with light sabers, Emma got to see (and dance with!) her princesses, TJ rode his favorite pirate ride, and Katie & Lucy met Jack Skelington & Sally! It was a great day! We even took all kinds of sandwiches, snacks, and juice so we avoided paying for all the overpriced munchies in the park. I think I only spent $3 on a cup of coffee while we were there, which is unheard of for me. But it was a necessary indulgence as we had been up since 4am and on the road before dawn. I needed my second wind. So Karen & I had some coffee and then we were good to go all the way through the holiday fireworks show and the kids were entranced when it "snowed" on them. Such a magical end to a wonderful day...
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