We had a good Christmas. This is the first year that Emma was old enough to actually "get it" and she was so into everything about Christmas... baby Jesus' birthday story, the nativity scene, carols, driving around looking at lights, baking cookies, volunteering, decorating the tree, and even going to sleep early so Santa could come. She got everything she asked for (surprise, surprise) but, to be fair, her list was not exorbitant. She asked for a pink DS from Santa, a snow globe, and a new babydoll from Mommy. I got the DS for free using swagbucks and found a pretty good deal on everything else. Of course, that was not all she got. There were board games, books, and dress up clothes in their too. She had a wonderful day with so many presents. I also got a new coffee cup from Emma with our picture on it. I love it!
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