We decided to venture out in search of new Christmas lights this year. Karen & I had both heard about an "amazing" neighborhood in Rancho Cucamonga from our respective friends. So we checked it out last night. It took 3 cars to get us all there - Emma & I, Karen, Todd, Mikayla, & TJ, Katie, Lucy, & Tim, Scott & Matthew, and Grandma! Whew! That's a big group. So big in fact, we lost a member at one point! Mikayla went one way while the rest of us walked another way. Talk about scary. Luckily, she knew her mom's number by heart and borrowed a cell from another mommy to find us as we were searching for her. She did very well, exactly what she should in a situation like that, but it was traumatic for her none the less. Between the traffic, the overwhelming mobs of people, 2 tired toddlers, and Mikayla's mishap, we had a lot of tears by the end of the night. Not sure this excursion will make the cut to become an annual tradition... Even though Emma finally found a Santa Claus that she wasn't afraid to approach!
You can't go on the weekend! It's totally worth it on other nights :)