
Emma got her first haircut today! She was such a bald baby, it took us two and a half years to get to the point where she finally needed a trim. Emma had a bit of trepidation about the whole experience and kept telling me, "I done wanna get my hair cut Mommy." I tried comforting her, consoling her, and reasoning with her. I even agreed to go first and sat down to get my hair trimmed. She kept telling me she didn't want a turn so I finally just said, "I know you don't want to get your hair done, but you need to and we are doing it. So just deal and move on with life Emma." And you know what, she did. She sat in the chair with no problem and no tears.
We went all the way out to Riverside to a children's boutique called Monkey Dooz. The whole place is jungle themed and they have animal murals on the wall, a flat screen TV playing Madagascar, wild animal stuffed toys to play with, handheld video games, and even a jeep for the kids to sit in while they get their hair cut. Emma, being Emma, did not want to sit in the cool jeep of course. She preferred to sit in the big chair "like Mommy." Oh well,at least she finally sat still. It's not like Emma had a ton of hair at this point (which you can clearly see from the first 3 pictures, which are all "before" shots), so they really just trimmed the back, cleaned it up a bit, and gave her some bangs to keep the hair out of her eyes. I think it looks cute. :)
The people at Monkey Dooz were great. They had a lot of patience and took their time getting Emma comfortable. They gave us a "1st Haircut" Certificate, complete with a lock of hair attached to it. Emma also got a lollipop and a toy jungle frog at the end of our "Mommy & Me Haircut Special." She ended up enjoying the whole experience and is loving telling people how pretty she is.
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