Heading into the splash zone...

This has got to be my favorite picture from the day. Its so sad but funny at the same time. My poor, soaking wet, baby girl. She had headed off so happily to splash and play a bit. She was happily climbing up and down the stairs when the countdown started. 10...9...8... I pointed out to her how a big bucket of water was going to dump on the middle of the play area but I did NOT see that there was an identical bucket filling up right above her head.... 3...2...1... Whoosh! Something like 50,000 gallons of water dumped right on top of my girl! She was so freaked out and it was like she was glued in place. She was just running in place on the step she was on when the water started and trying to move but couldn't. I darted in there, swept her up and carried her to dry land. That is when I got this shot. She kept telling me, "I was a playin on da stairs and then it just rained right on my head Mommy!"

Katie, after she said she was just going to follow the little kids into the water area and cool down a bit.

Emma, zooming across the baby zip line! She loved it! & I was impressed at how well she hung on!

Emma & TJ loved playing in this ball room. There were millions of foam balls and all these tubes and vacuums that you could use to suck the balls up and shoot them across the room.

Group shot (minus me) at the Amazing Animals Show.

Karen, so worried about getting her beautiful hair wet, actually bought a poncho to wear while we rode Jurassic Park! It takes a strong woman to rock this look!

Arrrggghh! A dinosaur! A Brontosaurus, I think, to be exact.

Sharks? What sharks? We aint scared of no stinking sharks!

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