Most of our group as we started the tram ride. Karen, TJ, and Scott in the back row. Grandma, Kayla, & Tim in front.

Pretty girls! Emma, Katie, & Lucy on the tram ride

And finally, a shot of Emma & I together, in the same picture! Thanks for taking this Scott!
This was the "set" from King Kong as the ship approached Skull Island. It looks enormous in the movie but was actually shot on a tiny little pool with a painted backdrop, mini mountains, and a little toy ship!
We got to see how Hollywood creates explosions on film as these cars burst into flames right in front of us.

We got to see some prime real estate. Maybe we could move here, to Wisteria Lane, and become neighbors with some Desperate Housewives...

Who wouldn't want to live in Who-ville? This was from The Grinch who Stole Christmas movie.

Here's one place we definitely do NOT want to live! This is what was left of the suburban neighborhood from War of the Worlds after the plane crashed down.

Hey Norman, whatcha doing with Mother? Here we saw Norman Bates as he exited the Bates Motel with his mother's body. In the background you can see the house from Psycho as well.

Anyone up for a swim at the Amityville Beach?

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