This morning I left Emma unattended for a few minutes while I was busy making coffee and she decided to make her own "breakfast." Notice that she only eats the middles out of the Oreos, which I think is so funny because that's my favorite part too!
A couple of hours later I left her watching cartoons while I was in the bathroom getting ready for us to leave. By the time I came out, she had removed all the couch cushions, stacked them on the floor and was sitting atop her throne surrounded by even more licked-clean oreo cookie halves. I exclaimed (okay, yelled), "Emma! I told you to stay out of the cookies!" Emma just looked embarrassed and didn't answer me.... So I said, "No more cookies! Do I need to hide the cookies to keep you out of them?!" Emma had a very long pause, then sighed, looked at me and responded, "Yeah Mommy. I think you do."
This little girl is so funny! I wasn't even sure what to say to her at that point. So I just laughed, had her help me clean up her snack aftermath, and we headed off to meet Grandma, Uncle Scott, and Uncle Kenny for lunch at the sushi bar!
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