TJ and Grandma getting ready to spin in their teacup. TJ really wanted a yellow one and Grandma ran as soon as the gate opened to make sure he got his yellow teacup!

And Emma wanted a pink one, so we ran to get our seats too. Emma loves the teacups! She just giggles and giggles as we spin like crazy!

TJ chose a green lollipop and loved every chomp on it!

And Emma chose a red one. Yum!

"Is it a lollipop? Is it a magic wand? Who know, but I will eat you!"
*And WHY is blogger insisting on rotating this picture???"

Emma loved this frozen lemondade!

Time for a final ride. Just one more time on Dumbo...

And one more ride on the Ponies too...

At the end of the day, on our way out of the park, with new light up toys in hand. TJ got a Lightning McQueen toy and Emma got a Minnie Mouse whose skirt spins and lights up. Too cute. They love these overpriced goodies. Thanks again, Grandma! :)
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