She was very surprised to see that the little imps had turned her oatmeal and milk green!

Emma thoroughly enjoyed her green breakfast!

Oddly enough, Emma & I were BOTH struck with a little bout of insomnia last night. Emma had gone to sleep around 8pm, as usual, and I had stayed up playing/ working on the computer. I was doing dishes around 10:30 that evening when I heard little feet behind me in the kitchen. Emma was wide awake. We tried going back to sleep, watching tv, having a snack, etc. all to no avail. So eventually we just got back up and decided to go finish washing dishes. Then she helped me whip up a batch of green jello at 12:45am so it would be set by the time we got up. Today we used a cookie cutter to make green shamrock jello jigglers.

So proud of her culinary skills...

Then Emma got to take a "leprechaun bath." Wouldn't you know it, those sneaky little buggers turned her bath water green too!

Once we were dressed in all our green glory we headed outside to play for a bit. Emma is loving playing soccer, or her version of it anyway. She is a pretty good kicker!

Finally, we went for a drive to the mountains. Lenay needed a ride back up to her mom's so she took Emma & I out to lunch and then we gave her a ride. Emma was very excited to see that there was still quite a bit of snow up there. We were in a bit of a time crunch since I had to get back down the hill for class this afternoon, but we took a minute or two to make a few snowballs before we left.
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