Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

She's finally done...

Well, Emma is weaned. "Finally," I guess. Or so people like to say. I am okay with it, pretty much. I had always assumed I would be a very hands on Mom and, especially after Emma was here, I adopted a pretty AP style of parenting. Attachment theory just seemed to make the most sense to me. I have had no problem toting my little one around with me, carrying her or walking. We also co-slept and tried to do some alternative therapies, like chiropractic, when possible for her asthma & illnesses. And it has worked for us. Along with all this, she has been a breast fed baby. She never took a pacifier or had a blanky, she never developed a taste for formula or enjoyed a bottle. All she has ever wanted is just her "Mama milk." I've gotten some smart-alec remarks from people as Emma has gotten older, but I just figured I know what works best for my family and I'll BF her as long as we are both comfortable with it. Plus I figured she had to still be getting some of that "good stuff" that is so touted during their first year. I mean, why would breast milk just lose all its nutritive value just because the kid is older? Although she hasn't really been doing it for nourishment for quite some time. Its more of a bonding/ quiet/ wind down time before bed. But when Emma got sick last week she, for the first time EVER, did not want any "Mommy milk." Usually when she is sick, that is all she wants. This time, she just wanted to snuggle with me and drink tea. So I just did what we have been doing for months... don't deny, but don't offer either. And since I didn't offer the breast, she didn't ask. This has just been a developmentally remarkable month... Emma has weaned herself and been potty trained (mostly on her own too, with very little help from me) all within 5 weeks. It's been a week now since she last nursed. I know she was ready, and on most levels I was too. But there's a little part of me that is sad to see this last stage of babyhood end...

**Update... Well, as an old friend of mine used to say, "The only thing constant in life is change." Just when you think you have something figured out, life decides otherwise. So after posting this today, Emma asked for "Mama milk" again this evening. First time in a week. I told her, "Oh we don't do that anymore. It's all gone." She just looked at me and gave me that impish little grin of hers as she sang, "I just want some Mommy milk, pleee-eeese!" So I told her "Let's snuggle" and she did. Then she asked once again before she went to sleep and I again distracted her. I kind of feel bad about denying her this, but I just think it will set a bad precedent if we do this on and off, back and forth thing too long. She's been fine for a week, so we just need to continue...

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