Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 28, 2012

Some more Emma-isms...

While driving home from school the other day...

Emma: Mom, when it's Halloween this year, I want to be a Superhero.
Me: Ok. Like Wonder Woman?
E: No! I want to be Spidergirl! And TJ could be Spiderman.
Me: We could probably work that out.
E: OR... I think I should be Tinkerbell and Tj could be the boy fairy...
Me: Terrance?
E: Yeah! Terrance.
Me: I don't think that will happen, Em.
E: Why not?
Me: Because TJ's daddy is not going to let him be a fairy boy.
E: But WHY???
Me: Because he will say it's not boyish enough. It's too girly.
E: (scowling) Great. But then if I want to be a boy thing, then I'M going to get in trouble!
Me: No you won't.
E: How come?
Me: Because your Mommy doesn't believe in only boy or girl things. Boys and girls can both do whatever they want. Like playing with dolls or playing with cars. Both of those are okay for boys AND girls.
E: (Looking somewhat puzzled)... Hmmmm...
Me: Like, think of "boy" things Em. What "boy thing" would you really really like to do?
.... Long pause....
E: (with a giant smile!)... Pee in the yard! 

Well, if that's not gender equality, I don't know what is! :)

A four-year-old's view on the merits of Mother's Day...

E: Mom,can I have some of you coffee?
Me: No.
E: But Mo-om, it's MOTHER'S DAY!
Me: And?
E: And Mother's Day is about sharing. You need to share your stuff with me on Mother's Day.
Me: How is that different from every other day??
E: ... (long pause)... You're right. Sharing is good. You should practice sharing with me everyday!

The difficulties in rousing oneself in the morning....

trying to cajole Emma out of bed this morning...
Me: come on Emma, get up.
E: mmmmhmmm
Me: now. Let's go.
E: just a minute... I need to see something.
Me: What? You can't see anything in bed. We gotta go.
E: (half asleep, with her eyes still squinched shut) My dream! I'm trying to see the end of my dream. It's almost over...

What a little girl REALLY fears about starting Kindergarten...

So a while back Emma and I were driving and had the following conversation... it seems that quite a few of our more in-depth, heart to hearts happen while driving. So, anyway, out of the blue Emma sighs and says...
E: Mom, I'm going to start kindergarten soon...
Me: Yes...
E: And it's going to be different
Me: Yes....
E: And it might be hard.
Me: For a while...
E: No, it's going to be very hard.
So, here I'm thinking that my poor baby is scared of change and that I am going to have to comfort her and talk up all the merits of big kid school, etc.
Me: But you will be okay. New things are hard some times at first.
E (sigh): But I'm going to get so TIRED of hearing it all the time!
Me: Wha...??? Tired of what Em?
E: Of everyone wanting to be my friend! When I get there everyone is going to say 'Emma is my friend!' 'No, Emma is MY friend!' 'No, Emma play with me!' And I just get tired of it!
Me (thinking to myself "seriously? Is my kid's ego that big?"): Um, Emma, WHY do you think that that is what is going to happen?
E: Because I'll be the new kid and everyone will want to play with me....
And then the lightbulb clicked on and I realized that, thus far, she has moved up to a new class each time based on age. So each time a kid turns 18 months old, or 3 years old, etc, they move up and are the "new kid"
Me: Um, Emma, when you start kindergarten, EVERYONE is starting kindergarten that same day and you are ALL the new kids together.
E (long pause): Well... That doesn't sound quite as exciting! :(
Lol. Sorry kid that the world may not revolve around you that day! Lol

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