Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Erin!

This past Saturday was Erin's birthday so a big group of us (Erin, Chris, & Sophia; Jen, Charlene, & Hayden; Ashley & Aaron; and Mom, Emma, & I) all decided to head out to Medieval Times to celebrate. Everything princess and royalty is always good with the little girls so this place was a big hit. They loved the crowns, the spinning light-up scepters, cheering and waving flags for "their" black & white knight, and
they were BEYOND THRILLED that the knight tossed a royal flower to each of them. :) Such fancy little maidens. :) To make it even better, Facebook had been running a contest  not too long ago with a chance to win a free ticket. Well, after the company ran the contest in an inconsistent manner (choosing "winners" who didn't follow the "20 word answer" requirement) they apologized and offfered EVERYONE who participated a ticket for free admission! Wahoo for a company with awesome customer service!!! So when I bought tickets for Emma & I, I was able to get mine free and hers at a discount with an online code. :) Love, love, LOVE cheap fun!

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