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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

In my ongoing attempt to record all the funny/ cute/ infuriating things Little Miss Emma ( & TJ) say for later laughs, and possible blackmail, here are some excerpts from the past few days' conversations...

#1. A Wry Sense of Humor...
So Emma has been in the same daycare center since I had to go back to work when she was 3 months old. She has always loved it and I appreciate all the staff there and think they are great. We have never had a problem and, as a general rule, Emma is always happy to go to school. Of course there were a few teary mornings every so often, especially when she would be hitting cognitive milestones and realizing things like object permanence and stranger anxiety etc. But for the most part, it has been a very positive experience for us.

There have been some changes to the center lately. They have, like many child care centers, lost some staff who have moved on to bigger and better things and, while we were off track in July, her main teacher (Miss Martha) got transferred to another site. We've only had Miss Jennifer there for a few weeks but Emma says she is nice and that she likes her. So all this has been going through my head this week as I drop a crying, screaming, flailing Emma Grace off at school each morning. Have things changed? Is the new teacher really mean? What's wrong with my normally sunny baby??? Yet I call a few minutes after leaving and they say she is fine and, usually, reading a book with Miss Beverly. I talk to one of the aides who has been there for a long time and she says Emma is great all day as soon as I leave. I pick her up and she is giggly and happy and tells me all about reading and playing with blocks and painting etc. So whats the deal???

On Thursday afternoon, after picking her up, I started chatting with Emma as we were out driving around and running errands. Here was our conversation...

Me: "Did you have a good day at school today Emma?"
Emma: "Oh yes! It was fun! I read stories with Miss Beberlee (Beverly)"
Me: "What did you have for lunch?"
E: "Chicken and carrots. It was good. I eated it all gone."
M: "So it was a happy day?"
E: "Yes. I like school."
M: "Well, if you like school so much, then why are you crying and throwing a fit when I drop you off in the morning?"
E: (with an impish little smirk on her face that I spy from the rearview mirror)... "Cause its funny."
M: "WHAT?!?!"
E: giggles...
M: "Mommy feels very bad when I have to leave you and you are crying! Its not funny. Why would you do that?"
E: "It is funny! You say 'Oh Emma' and pick me up and my teachers say 'Oh Emma'."
M: "That is NOT funny Emma and I don't like it."
E: "Well its funny to me!"

We got to the bank about that time, so the conversation ended. But the next morning I figured maybe we should revisit the topic on the way to school...

Me: "Yay we are going to school! You like school, right Emma?"
Emma: "Yep."
M: "So no more crying right?"
E: "No, I'm gonna cry." (said with a smile, mind you)
M: "But I don't like that. No crying Emma. There's no reason for it." (By now I can't believe my voice has taken on that cajoling, pleading voice I despise in parents who should NOT be negotiating with offspring so small)
E: "I don't know Mom... I think its coming... yep, I'm gonna cry."
M: *sigh*

What am I going to do with this child? I'm afraid she is going to grow up to be either a sociopath or an actress... and I'm not sure which is worse!
P.S.... I left her sprawled across the floor of her classroom, howling away in feigned despair, as I walked out to go to work...

#2. Not Destined to be an Ass-Man (A.K.A. The Importance of Pronunciation)

As the kids are getting bigger, so are their vocabularies. I am constantly amazed at the new things they think about and share with us. However, some of their pronunciations aren't quite as developed as others. Emma, for example, still has no "L's" in her vocabulary. She likes to go to the "Yie-bary" (library) to read books, loves her cousins, "Yenay"(Lenay) and "You-see" (Lucy), and is in heaven when she gets to have a "yah-yee-pop" (lollipop) as a treat.

TJ, on the other hand, has some issues with "K" sounds. If the K comes at the end of the word, he overexaggerates it... He likes to go to the parK and eat caKe and drinK milK. Its really cute actually because he puts so much stress on the K that it makes a little click noise at the end of his words. The funny part though is that, if the K is at the beginning, he pronounces it like a T. So he loves his sister "Tayla" (Kayla) and going outside to play "Tatch" (catch).

So yesterday morning the 2 little ones were sitting on my bed watching a video when I came in to get Emma dressed so we could leave. I sat down and had her standing in front of me on the bed while helped her get her dress on. She looked out the window and spied one of the neighborhood felines that always seem to be crossing through our yard and exclaimed, "Oh! I see a kitty cat! There's a kitty in the backyard!" Immediately TJ jumped up as he called out, "I want to see too!" He got to the window, looked out, and, in a voice of pure joy exclaimed, "OH! I JUST LOVE TITTIES!!!"

Hehehe. This will be a good one to remind him of when he becomes a teenager...

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