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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Emma's Musings...

I haven't been keeping up as much as I would like to with the funny things that Emma says. So I went back through my facebook posts for the last couple months and found these few little gems. So here, just cut and pasted, are some more glimpses into the psyche of my mini-me...

--> Oct 10th: thinks its sad that my daughter came running, shouting "Oh! My dinner is ready!" when she heard the microwave timer ding even though I had been standing at the stove for the past 20 minutes actually COOKING!

--> Oct 23rd: I just got summoned by the midget... "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!!" I ran in and asked what she wanted. Emma: "Hi Mommy. I want a MOHAWK!" Wha?!? Emma (while giggling): "Hahaha! When I'm big I'm gonna get a mohawk and 'you'll never stop me now! hehehe!'" Great. My kid is going to be mix between a punk rocker and Swiper from Dora... the Explorer.

-->Nov 16th: Emma was bugging me & i just told her to knock it off. her response? "oops! sorry mom. was i being a turd again?" lol. maybe i need to rethink my vocabulary...

--> Nov 24th: I have been fighting Em to eat more than cheese & fruit lately. Today it was, even if they look different, white cheese, yellow cheese, & spicy cheese,are ALL cheese & she cannot eat just cheese for breakfast. I thought I finally broke her when she said, "Fine. Mommy will you make me a bagel?" I said, "Sure!" Then she smi...led at me and added, "... with cream CHEESE!!!" O.M.G. This child is too smart for her own good...

--> Nov 29th: Feliz Navidad was on the radio this morning. Emma asked me what they were singing & I told her it meant "Merry Christmas." She giggled & exclaimed, "He sounds like Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story 3!" Hahahaha!

--> Dec 20th: finally went through Emma's toys and got 2 large boxes and 2 bags worth to take to donate at the daycare center. She was surprisingly helpful and willing to part with the "baby toys." Sometimes that kid amazes me with her ability to share or, as she puts it, to "be Genesis." (It took me a while to realize she meant GEN...EROUS!) Lol. Now I think I need more coffee so I can go do some more wrapping.

--> Dec 22nd: I just located a dvd Emma wanted to watch but couldn't find. According to her, this means "Momma saves the day again!" Lol. It's good to be a hero! :)

--> Dec 23rd: I just told emma to "hush" because we are in a restaurant. she looked at me with her eyebrow raised and said "hush? or not hush...?" WTH?!?1 i Almost expected her to follow it up with "that is the question. whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows etc." great my 3 year old is quoting her version of shakespere to... me already. lil punk!

--> Dec 30th: Emma & Matthew are helping me take down the Christmas tree and decorations. I told them to wrap the glass ornaments in paper and that they could just toss the soft ornaments into the box. Matthew kept asking if each ornament was glass or not. Finally Emma looked at him and said, "Maffew, if you do not know if the ornament is glass, then you just drop it on the floor like this! If it does not break, it is not glass!" Ummm.... okay, I kinda get her logic here, but NO! I had to re-educate her on how to figure out if things are breakable.

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